na wa o, dis one na american wonda part 100.
Checkout this new invention.
Forget cremations or being
buried, how about being
liquidised? Funeral home brings
in machine which turns dead
bodies into 'brown syrup'
A Florida funeral home has
introduced an eerie alternative to
burial or cremation - body
The stainless steel machine can
dissolve a corpse in just under
three hours, and the 'brownish,
syrupy' liquid is then pumped
into the municipal water system.
The bones remaining can be
ground down and returned to
the family, rather like ashes from
a cremation.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
that poor gal in abiathat poor gal in abia
and they had d nerves to film and distribute d clip!! Ova 1hr of grosteque entertainment.
We need the photos and date of
birth of all the boys, their First
Name, Middle Name and
Surname. We will make sure they
never ever leave d country. And
even when they gain employment, anonymous letters shud b sent to their
employers and have them kicked
out. We need to inform their
neighbours too and their parents
employers, suppliers and buyers.
The point I'm making is that we
should bring hell upon their
heads and their families. We also
need the full name of the head of
their school. He or she must be
made to co-operate with the
authorities or bastardise their
names on the Internet and the
press. An example must be made
of such males. Their parents and
relatives should be questioned too. When the
law go hard on them, it will act
as deterrent to others. As for the
school, the current
administration should be sent
packing. This incident happened
on their watch. They cannot
feign ignorance of the incidences
of rape and criminality that's
been going on in that school.
Once the State government takes
drastic action on those boys,
their parents and the school
authority, other schools, students
and parents in that school will
understand that violence or rape
equals BIG trouble.
As for the state governor, if he
does not take serious action in
this matter, may what happened
to this girl that was raped
happen to his own wife,
daughters, sisters, sister in laws,
nieces, relatives .
And d young lady in question shud b compensated hugely, dat might make oda victims open up.
We need the photos and date of
birth of all the boys, their First
Name, Middle Name and
Surname. We will make sure they
never ever leave d country. And
even when they gain employment, anonymous letters shud b sent to their
employers and have them kicked
out. We need to inform their
neighbours too and their parents
employers, suppliers and buyers.
The point I'm making is that we
should bring hell upon their
heads and their families. We also
need the full name of the head of
their school. He or she must be
made to co-operate with the
authorities or bastardise their
names on the Internet and the
press. An example must be made
of such males. Their parents and
relatives should be questioned too. When the
law go hard on them, it will act
as deterrent to others. As for the
school, the current
administration should be sent
packing. This incident happened
on their watch. They cannot
feign ignorance of the incidences
of rape and criminality that's
been going on in that school.
Once the State government takes
drastic action on those boys,
their parents and the school
authority, other schools, students
and parents in that school will
understand that violence or rape
equals BIG trouble.
As for the state governor, if he
does not take serious action in
this matter, may what happened
to this girl that was raped
happen to his own wife,
daughters, sisters, sister in laws,
nieces, relatives .
And d young lady in question shud b compensated hugely, dat might make oda victims open up.
the second coming, is it really going to happen??
stil on this...
Let’s do away with all the
misunderstood “Christian” MYTHS
1. He will come as a thief in the
night even to the Christians:
BUT — 1 Thess 5:4 “But ye,
brethren, are not in darkness,
that that day should overtake you
as a thief”
2. Only the Angels and the Father
know when:
BUT – In Jewish wedding
tradition, it is customary to
respond to a question of when
the wedding will occur with “I
do not know, only the angels and
the Father know”. Simply
because the bride’s father sets
the date of the wedding when
he is satisfied that all things are
ready. As the big wedding day
approaches all is revealed… when
the Father gives the all clear, the
groom comes with a shout and a
trump (Yom Teruah) and takes
the bride away for 7 days….
3. No-one knows the day or the
hour that He will come:
BUT – Yom Teruah – the Jewish
Feast of which “no-one knows
the day or the hour” . Also called:
the day of the great shout, the
day of awe, the day of trumpets –
REMEMBER.. the feasts are HIS
Mo’edim (Appointed Times) . for
1. The birth of John – Passover
4BC calculated by scripture and
Josephus (a secular historian)
references to Herod’s death….
2. 6 months later the birth of
Christ – Just happens to be the
first day of the Feast of
Tabernacles Sept 11, 3BC
3. Sept 11, 3BC coincides with
moon passing under Virgo (at
her feet) with the Sun behind her
(wrapping her in its light) etc (as
per Revelations woman) –
Astronomy.. Get the constellation
software and have a look .. its
amazing and beautiful..
4. Which gives us the conception
of Christ in Mary 9 months earlier
– which just happened to be the
Festival of Lights (Chanakuh) –
December 8th as per Catholic
tradition. (they don’t even know
why they do it on this day??)
5. The circumcision 8 days later –
to fall on the 8th Day Assembly
6. Christ’s Death at Passover.
7. Christ’s ascension on Mem
8. Holy Spirit comes on Pentecost
9. Wesley Revival on Passover
10. Azusa Street Revival on
Passover 1906
WHATS NEXT ?? Is there a pattern
here we should be aware of ??
11. Yom Teruah – Day of
Trumpets – “their will be a
trumpet blast” / The Hidden Day
– of which no one knows the day
or the hour / Usher in
judgment / beginning of the
other festivals…
According to the ancient HEBREW
sages (teachers) there is hidden
wisdom in the Tanakh (Old
Testament Bible) about the
coming 1000 year reign of the
MESSIACH (Messiah) and WHEN it
will begin.. An interesting date to
watch for:
Jesus said to watch for His return
of which no-one knows the day
or the hour sooooooooo:
Yom Teruah – the Jewish Feast of
which “no-one knows the day or
the hour” . Also called: the day of
the great shout, the day of awe,
the day of trumpets – “THE
Consider THIS…… 7 Years of
Tribulation – Yom Teruah (29th
Sept 2011) to Yom Kippur Day of
Atonement (September 20th
2018).. here are the facts….
1. Exactly 2550 Days (7 years) as
per Revelation specifications:
2. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah)
is the Biblical Feast of which no-
one knows the day or the hour
(sounds familiar?)..
3. It is also called: The Hidden
Day, The day of the great shout,
The day of awe, The day of
4. It is a High Holy Day.. Did Jesus
actually say he would be coming
back on Yom Teruah? Just as he
fulfilled other prophecies on the
other Feasts??
5. 7 years also speaks about the
baby boy transcending the 7
days and being circumcised on
the 8th, the tzaddikim
understood this to mean the 7
years of the birth pangs of the
Messiah and the fulfillment of his
brit (Covenant) in the 8th year
provoked the idea that birth
pains have begun (5778 /
2018AD). The amount of
earthquakes, animals dying
(birds, beast and fish), floods,
pestilence and famine may
indicate this is happening.
6. During Temple days, Jews
always took three and a half
years to read through the Torah
in the synagogue. The first of 2
Triennial cycle (for a complete 7
year period) begins in Tishri 1 –
Rosh Hashanah 2011 (September
7. We find this year has
something VERY interesting that
occurs on the Yom Teruah Feast
2011 – The Mo’edim (appointed
times) in the stars show Virgo
has the sun behind her and the
moon at her feet on September
29th, 2011 as per Revelations
vision (coincidence?).
8. Palestine State may seek to
divide Jerusalem in Sept 2011 ( a
big no no no) “Then I will enter
into judgment with them there
On behalf of My people and My
inheritance, Israel, Whom they
have scattered among the
nations; And they have divided
up My land.” Joel 3.2
9. The traditional Jewish
Wedding starts with the male
betrothed coming with a shout, a
trump and then takes the bride
away for 7 days of rejoicing –
3.5 Years (the mid-tribulation
point)– 2014/2015 to 2018
1. And so the middle point (after
the first Hebrew Torah reading
Triennial cycle) would land us
right when the abomination of
desolation is placed in the
temple. (the Torah is read every
3.5 years – and is read twice in a
7 year cycle)
2. During Temple days, Jews
always took three and a half
years to read through the Torah
in the synagogue. The first of 2
Triennial cycle (for a complete 7
year period) begins in Tishri 1 –
Rosh Hashanah and finishes in
the month of Nisan 2015
3. Is this the last time the Torah
is read before Israel Repents and
seeks Christ as Saviour. So what
occurs at this possible mid-
4. The coming blood moons of
2014 through 2015. This is the
only tetrad in the near future that
aligns itself with the Jewish
5. We find the tetrad blood
moons and lunar eclipse all
falling on Jewish holidays – 2014
through 2015
Apr 15, 2014 on Passover –
Oct 08, 2014 on Feast of
Tabernacles –
Apr 04, 2015 on Passover — and
finally on
Sep 28,2015 on Feast of
The last few times this occurred
there was GREAT change in
Lunar Tetrad on Jewish Feasts
- 1493 through 1494 (repulsion
of the Jews from Spain during
the Spanish Inquisition)
-1947/1948 (Israel became a
- 1967/1968 (Israel captured
-2014/2015 (WHAT IS GOING TO
- no more Lunar Tetrad for a
Which brings us to the year 2018
(5778 for Hebrew Calendar) .
I could write pages about the
year 2018 but I will sum up with
these thoughts:
In the Hebrew Year 5778 ( our
calendar is 2017/2018)
1. 120 years from the first Zionist
2. 100 years since the Balfour
Declaration giving Israel the right
to be a Nation..
3. 70 Years since Israel declared
a State…
4. 50 Years from capture of
Jerusalem temple mount.
5. 40 years from the Camp David
Accord and Israel’s conflict with
6. Yovel of Yovels
7. 120 = Length of Years (Gen
8. 100 = Bondage
9. 70 = Prophecy Complete and
time period for suffering
10. 50 = Jubilee-Release of Debt
and Peace (Yovel)
11. 40 = Testing
12. Maybe also its just a co-
incidence BUT the photosphere
of the Sun, for instance, has an
effective temperature of 5778 K.
13. The time immediately
preceding the appearance of the
Messiah will be a time of testing
in which the world will undergo
various forms of tribulation,
called chevlei Mashiach
(??????? ???????????) – the “birth
pangs of the
Messiah” (Sanhedrin 98a;
Ketubot, Bereshit Rabbah 42:4,
Matt. 24:8). Some say the birth
pangs are to last for 70 years,
with the last 7 years being the
most intense period of
tribulation — called the “Time of
Trouble” / ????????? ???? ????????
(Jer. 30:7). The climax of the
Tribulation” (????? ????????) is
called the great “Day of the
LORD” (????????? ?????????)
which represents God’s wrath
poured out upon a rebellious
world system.
14. According to Hebrew sages,
Abraham was born 1948 years
after Adam (the birth of a
nation), and then the Israel the
nation was “born” in 1948 AD
(1948 years after the “Second
Adam” Yeshua)
15. God’s Covenant with
Abraham = 2018 years after first
Adam and so will the new world
begin 2018AD?
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from
Abraham’s birth to Covenant with
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from
Israeli Statehood to Messiah
16. The Arizal (Hebrew text)
explains that 70 years is the
maximum number of years of
suffering that an individual can
be decreed. If we extrapolate
that to a Nation we see that the
Babylonian exile of the Jewish
nation lasted exactly 70 years
and that the year 5778 (2017-18
ce) will be the 70th year of the
Israeli nation, formed in 5708
(1948 CE).
I just love how Abraham was
born 1948 years after Adam and
then Israel was 1948 after Jesus
(the second Adam).. haha
8. Maybe also its just a co-
incidence BUT the photosphere
of the Sun, for instance, has an
effective temperature of 5778K
9. According to Hebrew history
and biblical time-lines, King David
was born, 2854 years after
Adam. He lived 70 years. The
coming year 5778 (our year
2018) is the expected year of the
Messiah’s Kingdom to come and
the end of the world as we know
it – according to some
manuscripts of Jewish origin.
That means that when David was
35 Years old (half his age) the
world was also exactly half its
age.. i.e the midpoint of David’s
life was also the midpoint of the
history of this world.
—– READ …
1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are
not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief”.
Are you part of the Bride that
isn’t watching for his return???
Please, Please keep watching
even if nothing happens on
September 29, 2011… because
HE will come one day.. and he
WILL let those who are watching
know the times and seasons…
Let’s do away with all the
misunderstood “Christian” MYTHS
1. He will come as a thief in the
night even to the Christians:
BUT — 1 Thess 5:4 “But ye,
brethren, are not in darkness,
that that day should overtake you
as a thief”
2. Only the Angels and the Father
know when:
BUT – In Jewish wedding
tradition, it is customary to
respond to a question of when
the wedding will occur with “I
do not know, only the angels and
the Father know”. Simply
because the bride’s father sets
the date of the wedding when
he is satisfied that all things are
ready. As the big wedding day
approaches all is revealed… when
the Father gives the all clear, the
groom comes with a shout and a
trump (Yom Teruah) and takes
the bride away for 7 days….
3. No-one knows the day or the
hour that He will come:
BUT – Yom Teruah – the Jewish
Feast of which “no-one knows
the day or the hour” . Also called:
the day of the great shout, the
day of awe, the day of trumpets –
REMEMBER.. the feasts are HIS
Mo’edim (Appointed Times) . for
1. The birth of John – Passover
4BC calculated by scripture and
Josephus (a secular historian)
references to Herod’s death….
2. 6 months later the birth of
Christ – Just happens to be the
first day of the Feast of
Tabernacles Sept 11, 3BC
3. Sept 11, 3BC coincides with
moon passing under Virgo (at
her feet) with the Sun behind her
(wrapping her in its light) etc (as
per Revelations woman) –
Astronomy.. Get the constellation
software and have a look .. its
amazing and beautiful..
4. Which gives us the conception
of Christ in Mary 9 months earlier
– which just happened to be the
Festival of Lights (Chanakuh) –
December 8th as per Catholic
tradition. (they don’t even know
why they do it on this day??)
5. The circumcision 8 days later –
to fall on the 8th Day Assembly
6. Christ’s Death at Passover.
7. Christ’s ascension on Mem
8. Holy Spirit comes on Pentecost
9. Wesley Revival on Passover
10. Azusa Street Revival on
Passover 1906
WHATS NEXT ?? Is there a pattern
here we should be aware of ??
11. Yom Teruah – Day of
Trumpets – “their will be a
trumpet blast” / The Hidden Day
– of which no one knows the day
or the hour / Usher in
judgment / beginning of the
other festivals…
According to the ancient HEBREW
sages (teachers) there is hidden
wisdom in the Tanakh (Old
Testament Bible) about the
coming 1000 year reign of the
MESSIACH (Messiah) and WHEN it
will begin.. An interesting date to
watch for:
Jesus said to watch for His return
of which no-one knows the day
or the hour sooooooooo:
Yom Teruah – the Jewish Feast of
which “no-one knows the day or
the hour” . Also called: the day of
the great shout, the day of awe,
the day of trumpets – “THE
Consider THIS…… 7 Years of
Tribulation – Yom Teruah (29th
Sept 2011) to Yom Kippur Day of
Atonement (September 20th
2018).. here are the facts….
1. Exactly 2550 Days (7 years) as
per Revelation specifications:
2. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah)
is the Biblical Feast of which no-
one knows the day or the hour
(sounds familiar?)..
3. It is also called: The Hidden
Day, The day of the great shout,
The day of awe, The day of
4. It is a High Holy Day.. Did Jesus
actually say he would be coming
back on Yom Teruah? Just as he
fulfilled other prophecies on the
other Feasts??
5. 7 years also speaks about the
baby boy transcending the 7
days and being circumcised on
the 8th, the tzaddikim
understood this to mean the 7
years of the birth pangs of the
Messiah and the fulfillment of his
brit (Covenant) in the 8th year
provoked the idea that birth
pains have begun (5778 /
2018AD). The amount of
earthquakes, animals dying
(birds, beast and fish), floods,
pestilence and famine may
indicate this is happening.
6. During Temple days, Jews
always took three and a half
years to read through the Torah
in the synagogue. The first of 2
Triennial cycle (for a complete 7
year period) begins in Tishri 1 –
Rosh Hashanah 2011 (September
7. We find this year has
something VERY interesting that
occurs on the Yom Teruah Feast
2011 – The Mo’edim (appointed
times) in the stars show Virgo
has the sun behind her and the
moon at her feet on September
29th, 2011 as per Revelations
vision (coincidence?).
8. Palestine State may seek to
divide Jerusalem in Sept 2011 ( a
big no no no) “Then I will enter
into judgment with them there
On behalf of My people and My
inheritance, Israel, Whom they
have scattered among the
nations; And they have divided
up My land.” Joel 3.2
9. The traditional Jewish
Wedding starts with the male
betrothed coming with a shout, a
trump and then takes the bride
away for 7 days of rejoicing –
3.5 Years (the mid-tribulation
point)– 2014/2015 to 2018
1. And so the middle point (after
the first Hebrew Torah reading
Triennial cycle) would land us
right when the abomination of
desolation is placed in the
temple. (the Torah is read every
3.5 years – and is read twice in a
7 year cycle)
2. During Temple days, Jews
always took three and a half
years to read through the Torah
in the synagogue. The first of 2
Triennial cycle (for a complete 7
year period) begins in Tishri 1 –
Rosh Hashanah and finishes in
the month of Nisan 2015
3. Is this the last time the Torah
is read before Israel Repents and
seeks Christ as Saviour. So what
occurs at this possible mid-
4. The coming blood moons of
2014 through 2015. This is the
only tetrad in the near future that
aligns itself with the Jewish
5. We find the tetrad blood
moons and lunar eclipse all
falling on Jewish holidays – 2014
through 2015
Apr 15, 2014 on Passover –
Oct 08, 2014 on Feast of
Tabernacles –
Apr 04, 2015 on Passover — and
finally on
Sep 28,2015 on Feast of
The last few times this occurred
there was GREAT change in
Lunar Tetrad on Jewish Feasts
- 1493 through 1494 (repulsion
of the Jews from Spain during
the Spanish Inquisition)
-1947/1948 (Israel became a
- 1967/1968 (Israel captured
-2014/2015 (WHAT IS GOING TO
- no more Lunar Tetrad for a
Which brings us to the year 2018
(5778 for Hebrew Calendar) .
I could write pages about the
year 2018 but I will sum up with
these thoughts:
In the Hebrew Year 5778 ( our
calendar is 2017/2018)
1. 120 years from the first Zionist
2. 100 years since the Balfour
Declaration giving Israel the right
to be a Nation..
3. 70 Years since Israel declared
a State…
4. 50 Years from capture of
Jerusalem temple mount.
5. 40 years from the Camp David
Accord and Israel’s conflict with
6. Yovel of Yovels
7. 120 = Length of Years (Gen
8. 100 = Bondage
9. 70 = Prophecy Complete and
time period for suffering
10. 50 = Jubilee-Release of Debt
and Peace (Yovel)
11. 40 = Testing
12. Maybe also its just a co-
incidence BUT the photosphere
of the Sun, for instance, has an
effective temperature of 5778 K.
13. The time immediately
preceding the appearance of the
Messiah will be a time of testing
in which the world will undergo
various forms of tribulation,
called chevlei Mashiach
(??????? ???????????) – the “birth
pangs of the
Messiah” (Sanhedrin 98a;
Ketubot, Bereshit Rabbah 42:4,
Matt. 24:8). Some say the birth
pangs are to last for 70 years,
with the last 7 years being the
most intense period of
tribulation — called the “Time of
Trouble” / ????????? ???? ????????
(Jer. 30:7). The climax of the
Tribulation” (????? ????????) is
called the great “Day of the
LORD” (????????? ?????????)
which represents God’s wrath
poured out upon a rebellious
world system.
14. According to Hebrew sages,
Abraham was born 1948 years
after Adam (the birth of a
nation), and then the Israel the
nation was “born” in 1948 AD
(1948 years after the “Second
Adam” Yeshua)
15. God’s Covenant with
Abraham = 2018 years after first
Adam and so will the new world
begin 2018AD?
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from
Abraham’s birth to Covenant with
2018 – 1948 = 70 years from
Israeli Statehood to Messiah
16. The Arizal (Hebrew text)
explains that 70 years is the
maximum number of years of
suffering that an individual can
be decreed. If we extrapolate
that to a Nation we see that the
Babylonian exile of the Jewish
nation lasted exactly 70 years
and that the year 5778 (2017-18
ce) will be the 70th year of the
Israeli nation, formed in 5708
(1948 CE).
I just love how Abraham was
born 1948 years after Adam and
then Israel was 1948 after Jesus
(the second Adam).. haha
8. Maybe also its just a co-
incidence BUT the photosphere
of the Sun, for instance, has an
effective temperature of 5778K
9. According to Hebrew history
and biblical time-lines, King David
was born, 2854 years after
Adam. He lived 70 years. The
coming year 5778 (our year
2018) is the expected year of the
Messiah’s Kingdom to come and
the end of the world as we know
it – according to some
manuscripts of Jewish origin.
That means that when David was
35 Years old (half his age) the
world was also exactly half its
age.. i.e the midpoint of David’s
life was also the midpoint of the
history of this world.
—– READ …
1 Thess 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are
not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief”.
Are you part of the Bride that
isn’t watching for his return???
Please, Please keep watching
even if nothing happens on
September 29, 2011… because
HE will come one day.. and he
WILL let those who are watching
know the times and seasons…
the no.7 and the end time.
There is a chance The Rapture
may happen at The Feast of
Trumpets in 2011 — We are
possibly in a Major “End” of all
things as people know it
Window. Only God knows
though, we could all live and
die and then go from There, Or
we could be the one’s who see
Jesus Return in our Life-Times,
and possibly as soon as The
Feast of Trumpets in 2011 :::
– Store up Treasure in Heaven
The Epistle of Barnabas ! -- The
Book of Enoch has something
similar too.
The Number 7 is The Number of
Completion (7 Continents, 7
Spirits of God, 7 Candles on The
Menorah, 7 Days of The Week, 7
Year Tribulation, 7 Feasts of
We could be at the 6,000th
Year on earth ( Michael Rood
Calendar) — One day to God is
like a 1,000 Years and a 1,000
Years as 1 Day — The 7th Day is
the Day of Rest (The Sabbath) –
This may Equal The Millennial
Reign, the 7,000th Year. ( Return
to God – Celebrate The
Sabbath )
The Epistle of Barnabas is
saying that in 6,000 Years God
is going to Finish everything.
Here is The Book of Enoch ::
Read Chapters 33 and 29 !
2014/2015 is going to have 4
Blood/Red Moons on Jewish
Feasts – which is interesting –
would equal around the Mid-
point of The Trib possibly, if the
Rapture happens in 2011.
(Could be when The Anti-Christ
enters a to be built Temple in
Jerusalem, and says he’s God –
when this takes place, major
trouble may be in store for
2014-2015 — 4 Lunar Eclipses
(Blood Red Moons) – 2 Solar
It may be this :: Lunar Eclipse =
Bad for Israel ~ Solar Eclipse =
Bad for the Nations
The 7 Year Tribulation could be
from 2011-2018 — Then again
The Tribulation may not happen
in our life-times at all — But
like Paul said :: We are not in
Darkness as to The Day of The
Lord — so with all that is
happening in the World – we
may seriously hear The Shout of
The Lord/The Bridegroom
Soon !
I just want to state I am not
date-setting, just observing All
Things Pertaining to The End – I
do not know if the end will
happen during 2011-2018 – it is
certainly an intriguing date
range because of the 4 Blood
Red Moons that could occur
during the Middle of The
Tribulation, coinciding with bad
trouble for Israel. The Date
ending on 2018 is interesting
because of The Israel the Fig
Tree Parable. Israel Re-born
1948 ::: 70 Year Generation =
2018 — If the Parable means
Two articles for consideration ::
Worldnetdaily — Israel –
Rapture Ready – 7 Signs of The
End Times
Keep on The Watch for The
Bridegroom !
may happen at The Feast of
Trumpets in 2011 — We are
possibly in a Major “End” of all
things as people know it
Window. Only God knows
though, we could all live and
die and then go from There, Or
we could be the one’s who see
Jesus Return in our Life-Times,
and possibly as soon as The
Feast of Trumpets in 2011 :::
– Store up Treasure in Heaven
The Epistle of Barnabas ! -- The
Book of Enoch has something
similar too.
The Number 7 is The Number of
Completion (7 Continents, 7
Spirits of God, 7 Candles on The
Menorah, 7 Days of The Week, 7
Year Tribulation, 7 Feasts of
We could be at the 6,000th
Year on earth ( Michael Rood
Calendar) — One day to God is
like a 1,000 Years and a 1,000
Years as 1 Day — The 7th Day is
the Day of Rest (The Sabbath) –
This may Equal The Millennial
Reign, the 7,000th Year. ( Return
to God – Celebrate The
Sabbath )
The Epistle of Barnabas is
saying that in 6,000 Years God
is going to Finish everything.
Here is The Book of Enoch ::
Read Chapters 33 and 29 !
2014/2015 is going to have 4
Blood/Red Moons on Jewish
Feasts – which is interesting –
would equal around the Mid-
point of The Trib possibly, if the
Rapture happens in 2011.
(Could be when The Anti-Christ
enters a to be built Temple in
Jerusalem, and says he’s God –
when this takes place, major
trouble may be in store for
2014-2015 — 4 Lunar Eclipses
(Blood Red Moons) – 2 Solar
It may be this :: Lunar Eclipse =
Bad for Israel ~ Solar Eclipse =
Bad for the Nations
The 7 Year Tribulation could be
from 2011-2018 — Then again
The Tribulation may not happen
in our life-times at all — But
like Paul said :: We are not in
Darkness as to The Day of The
Lord — so with all that is
happening in the World – we
may seriously hear The Shout of
The Lord/The Bridegroom
Soon !
I just want to state I am not
date-setting, just observing All
Things Pertaining to The End – I
do not know if the end will
happen during 2011-2018 – it is
certainly an intriguing date
range because of the 4 Blood
Red Moons that could occur
during the Middle of The
Tribulation, coinciding with bad
trouble for Israel. The Date
ending on 2018 is interesting
because of The Israel the Fig
Tree Parable. Israel Re-born
1948 ::: 70 Year Generation =
2018 — If the Parable means
Two articles for consideration ::
Worldnetdaily — Israel –
Rapture Ready – 7 Signs of The
End Times
Keep on The Watch for The
Bridegroom !
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