Monday 19 September 2011

that poor gal in abiathat poor gal in abia

and they had d nerves to film and distribute d clip!! Ova 1hr of grosteque entertainment.

We need the photos and date of
birth of all the boys, their First
Name, Middle Name and
Surname. We will make sure they
never ever leave d country. And
even when they gain employment, anonymous letters shud b sent to their
employers and have them kicked
out. We need to inform their
neighbours too and their parents
employers, suppliers and buyers.
The point I'm making is that we
should bring hell upon their
heads and their families. We also
need the full name of the head of
their school. He or she must be
made to co-operate with the
authorities or bastardise their
names on the Internet and the
press. An example must be made
of such males. Their parents and
relatives should be questioned too. When the
law go hard on them, it will act
as deterrent to others. As for the
school, the current
administration should be sent
packing. This incident happened
on their watch. They cannot
feign ignorance of the incidences
of rape and criminality that's
been going on in that school.
Once the State government takes
drastic action on those boys,
their parents and the school
authority, other schools, students
and parents in that school will
understand that violence or rape
equals BIG trouble.
As for the state governor, if he
does not take serious action in
this matter, may what happened
to this girl that was raped
happen to his own wife,
daughters, sisters, sister in laws,
nieces, relatives .
And d young lady in question shud b compensated hugely, dat might make oda victims open up.

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